Rename the title rows of spreadsheet data coming from Google Analytics

How we are supposed to rename title rows of spreadsheet data coming from GA ?

We got a row with for example

ga:goal1Starts | ga:goal4Starts

We'd like to rename these columns, we tried SLICE (but no the solution) from this post https://support.klipfolio.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/208110638-Rename-the-title-rows-of-spreadsheet-data-specifically-coming-from-Google-Analytics-?input_string=Rename%20the%20title%20rows%20of%20spreadsheet%20data%20coming%20from%20Google%20Analytics 


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    Rupert Bonham-Carter

    Hi Simon,

    Can you provide a bit more information about your situation?  Are you editing in a Klip? Or editing in a Model?

    The final answer may be similar using functions, but if you are editing a Klip and using a table component, there are some property setting that can be useful.  If you'd like to add a screenshot and more clarity as well that would be useful.

    If it is the Table component, then try this.


    If you are modelling, let us know and we can help with your specific scenario.

    Here is a very useful document that details all of the functions.  https://support.klipfolio.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011416893-Klipfolio-functions


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