Hey everyone!
Just a heads up that the Bitly API is changing on Feb 27, 2020. There are some things that we are unable to update for you and need action on your part, if you do not take any action, your Bitly data sources will no longer return data. You can find more details about the changes here https://support.bitly.com/hc/en-us/articles/360004395631-Migrating-from-v3-to-v4-of-the-Bitly-API
Here are a couple of important things to note:
- Authentication → The method of authentication is changing, as a result, we will be updating our integration to follow their new method.
Changes you need to take action on:
Requests → You will need to modify the URL endpoints in your data sources to use v4. Here are a few examples of how they are changing:
Example requests in v3
Example requests in v4
Response format → You may need to update the formulas in your Klips as the response in v4 might have changed slightly.
- New Group Aware functionality → If you’re an Enterprise customer, you may have multiple groups associated with your account. Some endpoints within the application, especially those dealing with Bitlinks and metrics, will require a group GUID to request the data.
For more information on all API changes visit the Bitly’s migration guide: https://dev.bitly.com/v4_documentation.html#section/Migrating-from-V3