Instagram Basic API changes - Action needed by March 31st, 2020

Hey everyone!

Just a heads up that Instagram is changing on March 31st, 2020. Instagram has drastically reduced the amount of data accessible through their basic API rendering the results of it to be no longer useful for reporting on your Instagram account metrics. Due to this change, we will be removing the Instagram basic service from our services library and recommending users authenticate with our Instagram business service instead. 

Changes you need to take action on:


  1. Remove any Instagram basic service Klips and PowerMetrics from your dashboards.
  2. Authenticate with the Instagram Business service instead.
  3. Rebuild any Klips or data source queries you wish to use on the new service. For reference here is the Instagram Business API documentation. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api


Let us know if you have any questions, we are here to help!

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