Hey everyone!
Just a heads up that the YouTube API is changing on September 9, 2020. There are two endpoints changing which may affect Klip formulas. Data sources should not be affected and will continue to refresh normally.
V3ChannelService.List statistics part’s commentCount field.
- Example query for the channels endpoint using statistics part could look like: https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=statistics&id=UCVufgRqkrPwrg
- Your formula will be impacted if you have built a Klip which references the XPath node commentCount
- An example XPath reference is @/items/statistics/commentCount
V3ChannelService BrandingSetting part’s imageSettings and hints fields.
- Example query for the channels endpoint using BrandSettings part: https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?part=brandingSettings&id=UCaWd5_7JhbQBe4
- Your formula will be impacted if you have built a Klip which references the XPath node imageSettings and hints field
Please read more here:
YouTube API Service reference documentation (including the Revision History)