Hello Klipfolio team,
I am using Bar/Line Chart and what I need to do is for each series to have an additional data which will be shown in the legend / or in the points itself.
I am already having this data stored as a "Hidden data" where for each point I have some additional values (different then the one from the series values).
I need to display the data within this series, so having a separate series / graph is not an option.
The first acceptable solution for me is: for example, if series labels (in the series legend above the chart) are: "Europe", "Asia", "Africa"...
I need then to be "Europe (X)", "Asia (Y)", "Africa (Z)", where X, Y, Z ... are numeric values which I already have calculated in my data-sources.
I was not able to find to set the text in the legend dynamic, so I am not sure how to handle with this.
There is another alternative which is also acceptable for me, but I am not able to implement it either: for each data point I already have corresponding data there, so maybe hovering over each point, can show me this data in the tool tip.
So I wonder, is any of the above approaches supported in the Bar/Line Charts?