Dynamically Set Component Properties

This is a big umbrella ask that encapsulates most of the UI barriers that I ran into recently when building a fully customized dynamic dashboard, but the general idea is to be able to configure the options in the properties tab of a component to a variable. I think ideally this could be done with some expanded indicator options so that the properties can be set with an if/then statement. Having the ability to let your user input controls affect the component properties would really open up the customization and flexibility of a dashboard, which is extra important for an agency account that is using klipfolio as a tool to let clients explore their own data in new ways.

I'm sure the community could give nearly endless reasons why this functionality would be helpful. Some use cases that I ran into are...

Setting a series label to correspond to a drop-down that lets users change what metric the graph is evaluating.
Setting a series format to correspond to the same drop-down that lets users change what metric the graph is evaluating/setting a column to have different formats on different rows without using a Concat function.

Stacking or Unstacking bar charts to correspond to a drop-down that changes how the data is broken out (Option 1 has stacked bars to see what % of traffic came from new users vs. returning users, option 2 has unstacked bars to compare how much traffic there was in the current period versus the previous period)

Setting Table column width to fit the length of the longest string within that column (an alternative to wrap around text that can be really jarring on tables that are otherwise pretty information-dense).

Hide extra columns when they don't apply (Such as one client has 2 goals that they track in GA, another has 3. Build columns for 3 goals so the same template can be applied to both clients, but the extra columns are hidden for the client that only has 2 goals.)

Dynamic Suffix/Prefixes so I can have a graph display "10k" when the numbers are on the tens of thousands scale vs. 100 when it's on a smaller scale.


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