Data source is refreshing way more often than expected


For some reason I have some data sources that are refreshing much more regularly than I have set, and is causing me to go over the API limit on Xero very early in the day.

I have a datasource called "PNL report Xero (dynamic month)". This is the connection configuration I have set up:


Clearly, the refresh rate is once every 5 minutes, or 288 refreshes in a 24 hour period.

But by looking at my event log under Account, Usage, Refresh History. I can see the below:


That's 2,300 instances, 2,012 more than I expected! There's also 19 "instances", although I'm not sure what that means.

What am I doing wrong here that's causing this sort of refresh rate?


Many thanks for any guidance on this, it's been a real headache.

Kind regards,


1 comment

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    Parker Selman Official comment

    Hi Kieron, 

    Thanks for the post! 

    It looks like this data source is a dynamic data source,  meaning it takes in a variable value to dynamically query for data. Each unique value for that variable (it looks like that variable is a month in your case) will create an individual instance of that data source, which will refresh on its own. Hence, each time that refresh interval is reached for each of your instances, that instance will refresh. In addition, each time you query for a particular month value (ie by selecting it in a user input control) will trigger the API query for that instance to run again. 

    If you'd like to reduce the amount of API queries you're making here, there are a few things you can do. 

    1. Increase the refresh interval for this data source

    2. Delete instances of the data source regularly to reduce the automatic refresh of these instances. You can read more about how to do this below (NOTE: this screenshot is an excerpt of the document linked at the beginning of my post):

    I hope this clears things up and gives some actionable steps to mitigate high refresh numbers. If you have any questions around this, please log a support ticket with our team and we'd be happy to help further! 

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