Updating data source connector type via API

I'm doing a migration from Postgres-based data sources to Snowflake. Using the API, we're trying to update each Postgres-based data source (connector: "db") to Snowflake (connector: "snowflake"). I tried sending a PUT request with {"connector": "snowflake"} to the data source endpoint, but nothing happened (even though I get a success response back).

I don't see modifying the connector type as an option in the documentation (https://apidocs.klipfolio.com/reference/data-sources#put-datasourcesid), so I wonder if there's a way to accomplish this? Do we need to create a new data source from scratch for each one?



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    Parker Selman Official comment

    Hi Kevin! 

    Thanks for the post. Data sources are intrinsically tied to a data service, so you can't switch the service for a data source once it's created. In order to switch your data sources over from Postgres to Snowflake, you'll need to create a new Snowflake data source for each Postgres one. Once you've done that, you'll need to swap over your data source references in your Klips to use the new Snowflake data. 

    Here's a helpful article on a few different methods of doing this. 

    Hope this helps! 


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    Kevin Languasco

    Hi Parker,

    Thank you so much for the response, I'll be doing that.



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