Creating Google Drive data sources and custom Klips


If you want to create data sources for custom Klips, you're in the right place.

If you're using PowerMetrics and want to create data sources for custom metrics, go here.


Ready to visualize and track your Google Drive data? Get started by setting up a connection between Klipfolio Klips and your Google Drive account and adding one (or more) data sources. When you're finished adding Google Drive data sources, you'll use them to power your custom Klips.

This article includes:


  • Google Sheets with pivot tables are not supported.
  • To ensure files upload as expected, make sure your Google Sheet names don't exceed 31 characters.

Connecting Klipfolio to your Google Drive account

To retrieve your data and visualize it in Klips, you first need to connect Klipfolio to your Google Drive account.

Here are a couple things to note:

Your data is safe with us. The first time you connect your Google Drive data to Klipfolio, you'll be prompted to enter your Google login credentials and give permission to allow access to the data within your Google account. We are serious about protecting your data privacy.

Managing your connections. By default, your connection name looks like this: yourname@Google<date and time created>. You can modify the default connection name when you create a new connection or from your list of connections, accessed by clicking your Account Name (located at the bottom of the left navigation sidebar) and selecting Account > Connected Accounts. Each time you connect to Google Drive, you can use the same account (or switch to a different account if needed). If you have trouble accessing an existing connection, your OAuth token may have expired. If that happens to you, go here for help.

Adding a Google Drive data source

To add a Google Drive data source:

  1. In the left navigation sidebar, click Data Sources.
  2. On the data source list page, click the Create a New Data Source button.
  3. On the Where is your data? page, select Google Drive.
  4. If this is your first time connecting to Google Drive:
  • Click Connect new account. Enter your Google login credentials and click Next. If prompted, click Allow Access to enable Klipfolio to securely access your Google Drive data. Click Continue.
  1. If you’ve connected to Google Drive before:
  • Select an existing connection (token) from the drop-down list and click Continue.
  1. On the Configure your connection page, click Choose File.
  2. Navigate through your Google Drive folders (choose from My Drive, Team Drives, or Shared with me to locate your file).

  1. Click the file you want to use for your data source. Then click Select.
  2. Ensure this is the data you’re looking for. Optionally, select the checkbox to Model your data. Learn about modelling data sources.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Name, choose refresh settings, and, optionally, share your data source.
  5. Click Save.
    Note: To ensure your data source continues to update and refresh correctly, after saving, don't change its name or ID.

Creating Google Drive custom Klips

Now that you've created a Google Drive data source, you can return to it and use it to make custom Klips. A single data source can be used to create a single or multiple custom Klips.

To create a Google Drive custom Klip:

  1. In the left navigation sidebar, click Data Sources to display your list of data sources.
  2. Select the Google Drive data source you want to use for your custom Klip.
  3. On its details page, click Create a Klip.
  4. In the Klip Editor, configure your custom Klip.
    If you need help, go to this article. (You can skip the “Choose the data source” step in the linked article. You’ve already chosen it.) You'll also find lots of articles on working with Klips in this section of our Knowledge Base.
  5. Click Save.

Your new Klip is ready to add to a dashboard. Learn about dashboards.

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