Region IDs for India Map component

The following list contains the Region IDs that must be present in your data source to associate India's states with values when using the India Map component. They don't need to be in any particular order or include the complete list.

You can download these Region IDs in Excel format here: India Map Region IDs.


Region ID Region Name
AR Andhra Pradesh
AS Assam
BR Bihar
CT Chhattisgarh
GA Goa
GJ Gujarat
HR Haryana
HP Himachal Pradesh
JK Jammu and Kashmir
JH Jharkhand
KA Karnataka
KL Kerala
MP Madhya Pradesh
MH Maharashtra
MN Manipur
ML Meghalaya
MZ Mizoram
NL Nagaland
OR Odisha
RJ Rajasthan
SK Sikkim
TN Tamil Nadu
TG Telangana
TR Tripura
UT Uttarakhand
WB West Bengal
AN Andaman and Nicobar Islands
CH Chandigarh
DN Dadra and Nagar Haveli
DD aman and Diu
DL Delhi
LD Lakshadweep
PY Puducherry
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