Troubleshooting a custom map

If you want to build your own maps to upload in the Map component, you may find the following troubleshooting tips helpful:

Custom SVG is not displaying.

  • Make sure you are using only ungrouped compound paths.
  • Check that each has a region ID like id="region:a:b".

Only some paths are showing up.

  • Check that each path has a unique region id and name.

The scale or artboard size is not quite right.

  • Klipfolio will resize maps based on the artboard size to always show 100% of it at its largest size possible. For paths outside the artboard, Klipfolio will show them only if there is room.
  • Copy and paste your SVG from one Illustrator file to a new Illustrator file with a fresh artboard and work from there.

My custom map does not work with zoom controls.

  • Zoom controls are currently not supported in custom maps. This functionality requires additional Javascript.

Still having trouble?

  • Take a moment to look at the SVG file's XML in a text or code editor (for example Notepad++) and make sure it is formatted the same way as in our sample SVG file.

If the problem persists, send an email to our Support team at

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