How do I give Partner account users access to client accounts?

This article describes how to give a user in your Partner account access to a client account, also known as sharing a client account. Doing so enables Partner account users to build and manage Klips for a number of different clients.

Assigning roles and groups

Before giving access to a client account, you need to check whether the user has the appropriate role permissions and ensure they belong to a group. Roles control the specific actions a user can take. If you want a user to be able to access a client account, the user must first be assigned either an Editor or a Custom role. If you give the user a custom role, it must include the following permissions under the Clients section:

  • Access client section
  • Edit clients
  • Sign in to client as admin

For more information on working with custom roles, see Adding custom roles and User roles and access permissions.

Note: Granting a user an Admin role will also allow them to access a client account. However, if you assign a user administrator rights, please note they will have access to all information associated with your account.

In addition, before proceeding with the steps below, you need to create a group or groups that includes the user or users that will access the client account. For more information on creating groups, see Creating groups.

Sharing a client account

To give a Parent account user access to (share) a client account:

  1. Click Clients.
  2. Click the name of the client you want to share with the group.
  3. At Sharing, click the Edit button.
  4. Select the group or groups to which you want to give access.
  5. From the drop-down menu, select an appropriate Right for each group.
  • Sign in as view-only allows a group to sign in with view-only rights. This means they can preview the dashboard as the client would see it.
  • Sign in as admin gives a group the ability to sign in with admin rights. This gives them full access to the client's data.
  • Sign in as admin and edit client settings gives a group admin rights and permission to edit the About this client page. This means they would have the ability to enable specific client features, for example, Download Reports.

  1. Click Save.

Note: Individual user role permissions override group access rights. For example, if a user has a view-only role and you add them to a group that has editing (Admin) rights, that user will not have admin access to the client account because their individual role permissions don't allow that level of access.

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