Where can I find details for each of my Klips?

To access a Klip’s details page, click Klips in the left navigation sidebar to open your list of Klips. Then, click the name of the Klip® you’d like to investigate.

From a Klip’s details page, you can:

Adding the Klip to a dashboard

Add the Klip to a dashboard by clicking the Add to Dashboard button (located in the top right side of the page).

Viewing Klip details and previewing, editing, and deleting the Klip

Click General to open the About this Klip page, where you can:

View the following information:

  • The Klip's name, description, owner, and ID.
  • See when the Klip was last edited, the number of instances of the Klip, which data sources it's using, and when it was last refreshed.
  • See a preview of the Klip. This is a good way to verify the Klip is ready to add to a dashboard.

Perform the following actions:

  • Edit the Klip’s name and description by clicking Edit Properties.
  • If your Klip is using sample data and you want to use your own data instead, at Uses Data Sources, click Connect your own data.
  • After previewing the Klip, you can make changes to it by clicking Edit Klip. The Klip will open in the Klip Editor where you can modify and save it. When you’re happy with the Klip, add it to a dashboard by clicking Add to Dashboard.
  • Delete the Klip.
    Important note: This action permanently removes the Klip from all accounts and dashboards for all users.

Sharing the Klip

Click Sharing to see who has access to the Klip. To update sharing access, click the Edit button next to Access. Learn more about sharing Klips.

Viewing associated dashboards

To see which dashboards the Klip has been added to, click Dashboards. Clicking a dashboard’s name opens its details page. Clicking the Open dashboard button opens the dashboard.

Configuring and managing email snapshots

You can email a snapshot of a Klip to share it with others as a one-time event or according to a schedule. Click Email Snapshots to set up new email snapshots and to manage existing ones. Learn more about scheduling email snapshots.

Configuring and managing embedded Klips

You can share Klips inside and outside your organization by embedding them into external websites or host applications. Click Embeds to configure and manage Klip embeds. Learn more about embedding Klips.

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