You can easily build Klips that display multiple components using the Components palette. The Components palette contains a list of all the components that you can add to a Klip.
To add a component you just drag and drop a component from the Components palette onto the Klip workspace. A four-directional arrow helps with positioning the component and a green rectangle container lets you know when the component is in a valid location. You can also click and drag a component over an existing component. If the existing component is in a Layout Grid, the new component will replace the existing component.
To remove a component, use the control handle located in the top right corner of a component, to drag it off the Klip. A message appears confirming that you want to remove the component. You can also remove a component using the Component tree or the context menu when you right-click on a component. As well, you can use the handle to reorder or reorganize the components on your Klip.
When working with components, right-click on a component to copy and paste it to another cell or to another Klip.
There are two types of components.
Presentation components
Presentation components help with organizing and controlling the look and feel of the content in a Klip.
Presentation components include the Layout Grid, Label and Separator components.
Content components
Content components are the components that make up the content in a Klip.
Some content components include sparklines, pie charts, bar/line charts, tables, scatter/bubble charts, gauges, maps, images, and many others.
For a complete list of Content components see Overview: Working with Klips.
When you have added the components to the Klip, you can start designing your Klip as you would any other single-component Klip. Refer to the Building Klips section for more information.
Learn more:
Now that you know more about the Component palette, check out the following tutorial:
Important concepts
These articles provide an overview of important concepts for building Klips with multiple components: