Klip Gallery: Visualizations

Use these examples to discover all the possibilities for visualizing your data in Klipfolio. To add Visualizations to your dashboard, simply click Add this Klip!

Description Klip
Funnel Chart (% of the first stage)
Funnel charts display the performance of steps in a process, like sales or marketing stages. It can be useful in identifying numbers at each stage, conversion rates and potential problems.

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Arc Gauge
Track your progress with an arced Gauge component, and see if you are below or above your target.

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Area Chart
Discover your progress by stacking your Line Chart by percentage.

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Bar Chart with Area Chart
Bring your sales data and scores onto a single chart by using both a Bar Chart and a Line Chart.

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Bubble Chart
Use the Bubble Chart style of the Scatter Chart component to show concentrations of data.

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Bullet Chart
Discover all you can do with a Label component. Here we formatted it as a Mini Chart: Bullet.

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Donut Chart
This donut-style Pie Chart compares parts of a whole, where Canada, USA and Germany's sales percentages add up to 100%.

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Horizontal Bar Chart
Use an Inverted Bar Chart when you want to use zero as a reference point between positive and negative numbers.

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Horizontal Gauge
See where you stand against your target with a horizontal Gauge component. Use Indicators to show when you are below or above your target.

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Make your dashboard your own with the Image component.

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Line Chart
Make your data stick with a Line Chart with multiple series.

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Map with Area
When you have any kind of location data, you’ve got to see your data on a map. On this map, we're looking at population and Gross Domestic Product.

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Map with Markers
Add context to your map with Map Markers. In this example, we use Map Markers to show the amount of sales per city.

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Multiple Input Controls
Discover how you can manipulate your Klip with User Input Controls and a Submit Button.

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News Reader
Use a News Reader Klip to stay on top of the latest stories.

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An example of a five-star Pictograph with no score attributed to it.

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Pictograph with Percentage
There are endless possibilities with Pictographs. Fill your Pictographs with an assigned amount of data.

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Pie Chart
Use different colours and labels to add context to your Pie Chart.

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Scatter Chart
Scatter Charts show relationships between two different things. In our example, we are comparing GDP to population.

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Single Value
Use a single value in the Label component to add clarity to your dashboard.

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Single Value with Date
Use the Label component to show the date by setting it up in the Properties Panel of the Klip Editor.

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Spark Bar
This Sparkline takes the form of a bar chart and shows the lead up to the current value of $7,525.

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This Sparkline shows the historical trend behind the current value of 3.

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Stacked Bar Chart
Use a stacked Bar Chart to visually aggregate all of your categories into groups.

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Discover all that you can do with a Table component, from various Mini Chart styles to links and images.

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Table with Drill Down
Drill down into your Table component and delve into the details of each category.

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User Input Control
A typical User Input Control component is a drop-down menu. This allows you to choose what information you would like to display on your Klip.

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Value Pair
Bring two related items together with a simple Value Pair component.

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Value Pair with Indicator
Use the Value Pair component to show comparisons with indicators.

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Value Pair with Spark Bar
Compare the trend with the current result by using the Value Pair component. See the trend with a Mini Chart in the Spark Bar format.

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Vertical Gauge
Use a vertical Gauge component to monitor your progress toward reaching your goal.

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Win/Loss Chart
This Sparkline highlights two series - a Win/Loss Chart and a Line Chart- to show trends from a single data set.

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