Klips: Viewing data source failures and refresh history

This article includes the following:

  • How to view a list of your failed data sources.
  • How to view data source refresh information.

Viewing a list of failed data sources

You can quickly see a list of your data sources that are failing to refresh.

If you see a red icon in the left navigation bar (beside Data Sources) that means you have at least one data source that is failing to refresh. (If you don’t see Data Sources in the navigation bar, go to the bottom of the sidebar and click your Account NameData Sources instead.)

Clicking the red icon opens your list of data sources with the Failed Data Sources filter applied. 

All the data sources that have failed to refresh are listed with their Last Refresh date.

Tip: If a data source associated with a Klip is failing to refresh, you can click the red exclamation mark located in the top-right corner of a Klip on a dashboard to navigate to the details page for the failing data source.

Viewing data source refresh information

For an overall sense of how data sources are refreshing within an account, administrators can click on the Refresh History link within the Usage (or Activity) page. This snapshot of data source activity helps administrators better understand the overall usage of data sources for an account. For example, you might want to check that data sources are not exceeding the Google Analytics limits and quotas. For more information, see Limits and Quotas on API Requests.

The Refresh History link enables administrators to view the:

  1. Total number of refreshes in an account for the current day.
  2. Total number of refreshes in an account for the past 30 day period, sorted by date.
  3. The top ten data sources to refresh in an account for a given day, including the current day.

To access the Refresh History page:

  • Click your Account Name (located at the bottom of the left navigation sidebar) and then click Account > Usage > Refresh History.

Click the link under Total Refreshes to see a list of data sources that refreshed during the related time period. From here you can click the link for a specific data source (listed under Data Source) to access its details page, where you can optionally modify its refresh interval.

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