Klip Gallery: Xero

Pre-built Klips enable you to quickly set up a dashboard using predefined visualizations that display common key metrics. Xero pre-built Klips are found in the Klip Gallery or, for White Label customers, in the Integration Gallery.

Connecting to Xero pre-built Klips

To connect your Xero data to a pre-built Klip from the Klip Gallery, you will need:

  • Your Xero login credentials

To add a Xero pre-built Klip to your dashboard:

  1. In an open dashboard, click Add a Klip.
  2. In the Klip Gallery, select Xero.
  3. Find the Klip you want and click Add to Dashboard.
  4. Click Done.
  5. On the Xero Klip, click the 3-dot menu and select Connect your data.
  6. If this is your first time connecting to Xero:
    • Select Connect new account from the drop-down list. Click Connect Now. Enter your Xero login credentials and click Log in. If prompted, click Allow access to allow Klipfolio to access your Xero data. Click Next Step. Continue with step 8, below.
  7. If you've connected to Xero before:
    • Select an existing connection you want to use and click Next Step. Continue with step 8, below.
  8. Select your Xero organization ID and Organization name from the drop-down lists.
  9. If applicable, at Expense, click the drop-down and select the expense type for which you want to get data. 
  10. Click Update Klip.
  11. Click Finished.

Managing your Xero connection

By default, your connection name looks like this: yourname@Xero<date and time created>. You can modify the default connection name when you create a new connection or from your list of connections, accessed by clicking your Account Name (located at the bottom of the left navigation sidebar) and selecting Account > Connected Accounts or by clicking the button in the left navigation sidebar and selecting Connections.

You can use the same account connection every time you connect to Xero. If you have trouble accessing an existing connection, your OAuth token may have expired. If that happens to you, go here for help. This Xero article also explains several reasons why your OAuth token may have failed.

Editing Xero pre-built Klips: Adjusting default field names

Our pre-built Xero Klips refer to Xero data using default field names. If your Xero account uses a different field name (for example, if you changed the field name) for a field used in a Xero Klip, you'll need to make the corresponding change in the Xero pre-built Klip (after adding it to a dashboard) by editing its XPath.

The following example changes the references for "Current Assets" and "Accounts Receivable" to "Assets" and "Trade Debtors" in the Xero Accounts Receivable and Payable Klip template:

  1. After connecting to your own data for the Xero Accounts Receivable and Payable pre-built Klip, click its 3-dot menu and select Edit.
  2. In the Klip Editor, select the Accounts Receivable Value subcomponent field you want to edit.
  3. In the formula bar, select the field that references Accounts Receivable in the data source (value).
  4. Click XPath to open the XPath editor.
  5. In the XPath editor, change:
    //*[Row[Title = "Current Assets" ]]//Row/Cells[descendant::Value="Accounts Receivable"]/Cell[2]/Value


    //*[Row[Title = "Assets" ]]//Row/Cells[descendant::Value="Trade Debtors"]/Cell[2]/Value
  6. Click Simple to close the XPath editor.

Multiple references to the same value can be copied and pasted within the formula editor (that is, without editing the XPath).

For more information on JSON data sources and the XPath editor, see About JSON and XML data sources.

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