Lockout settings

Users with admin permissions can customize the lockout settings for their account.
Settings include the ability to:

  • Determine the maximum number of failed sign-in attempts before users are locked out of an account
  • Specify lockout duration
  • Create a message that will displays upon lockout

To customize your lockout settings:

  1. Click your Account Name (located at the bottom of the left navigation sidebar) and select Account > Settings > Security.
    If you don’t see the above option, click the account and settings button in the left navigation sidebar and select Settings > Security.
  2. At Lockout, click the Edit button.
  3. At Lock User Out, from the drop-down menu, select the maximum number of failed sign-in attempts.
  4. At Lock Out Period, specify lockout duration.
    Note: Optionally, keep a user locked out of their account until manual reset by selecting Until reset by admin.
  5. Optionally, at Lock Out Message, enter a custom message (maximum 255 characters) to display when a user is locked out of their account. If you don’t enter a message, You have been locked out. will display by default.
  6. Click Save.
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