Klip Gallery: Moz

Monitor and optimize your web presence with Moz Klips on your dashboard.

Looking to add pre-built Klips to your account?
See the Klipfolio Integrations Page.

Moz connection flow

To add data to your Moz Klip, you'll need:

  • Your Moz Access ID
  • Your Moz Secret Key
  • Moz API Access: Some Klips require paid API access. For example, the Top Pages by Page Authority Klip cannot be added without paid access to the Moz API.
Location Action
To find your Access ID and Secret Key,
  1. On a new tab, Log in to your Moz Pro or Community account.
  2. Then, click the following link: https://moz.com/products/api/keys.
  3. Select Manage Mozscape API Key.
  1. Under Credentials, copy your Access ID and Secret Key, and paste it in Klipfolio Dashboard.
  2. Click Next Step.
Enter any URL(s) that interest you.

Note: You will get different results for "www.your-site.com" and "your-site.com". To learn more, see this article: Canonicalization.

Click Add Klip.
Voila! Enjoy your Klip.

Learn more

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