Klips: Adding custom roles

You must assign a role to every Klipfolio Klips user. The pre-built user roles included in your account include and exclude permissions according to typical user roles. By adding custom roles to users you can further define which actions they can perform in Klipfolio. For example, a View-Only (or Klips Viewer) default user cannot view dashboards in full-screen mode, add or edit comments, email Klips or dashboards or switch dashboard themes, but when a custom role is created for them they can be enabled to do any or all of these actions by selecting the following role permissions: Enter full-screen mode, Add/edit comments, Email Klips, Email dashboards and Switch theme.

When creating a custom role, ensure you select all necessary permissions, for example:

  • If you want to give the user access to PowerMetrics or the ability to model a data source, the custom role must include the "access API" permission.
  • Select the “View all users” permission if you want the user to see:
  • A list of users so they can be selected when sharing assets (for example, Klips and dashboards)
  • Who created or modified assets (for example, Klips, data sources, and dashboards)
  • A list of modelled data sources so they can merge data sources in the modeller
  • If you want the user to be able to delete other users and your account includes PowerMetrics, the custom role must include the "access API" and the "manage all users, groups, and roles" permissions (otherwise there is a risk that some of the deleted users' assets will not be transferred upon user deletion).

Where do I access user and role settings?

Most accounts access user and role settings by clicking Users in the left navigation sidebar. If you don't see that option, click the button in the left navigation sidebar and select Account. Then, on the left, click either Users or Roles depending on the action you’re performing.

Adding custom roles

To add a custom role:

  1. Navigate to the Roles page. (See above.)

A list of current user roles displays, including our built-in roles.

  1. Click Add a Custom Role.
  2. After Role Name, enter a name for the new role and, optionally, enter a description for the new role. For example, "View and create Klips."
  3. Assign role permissions by selecting the appropriate check boxes.
  4. Click Save.

For a complete description of access permissions, see User roles and access permissions (legacy) or User roles and access permissions (new).

Adding users to custom roles

To add a user to a custom role:

  1. Navigate to the Roles tab. (See above.)
  2. Select the custom role from the list of roles.
  3. Click Users.
  4. After Users with this Role, click Add or Remove Users.
  5. Select a user in the Without Role box and click the right-pointing arrow to move the user into the With Role box.
  6. If you want to add all users at the same time, click Add All.
  7. Click Save.

Viewing roles assigned to a user

To view roles for a user:

  1. Navigate to the Users tab. (See above.)
  2. Select the name of the user.
  3. Click Roles.

Editing roles

After creating and assigning roles to users, you can optionally edit a role's general properties and permissions and add or remove users associated with the role.

To edit roles:

  1. Navigate to the Roles tab. (See above.)
  2. Click the custom role you want to edit.
  3. To change the name and description of the role, click General and, at About this Role, click Edit.
  4. To change the actions the role permits, click Permissions > Edit and select the appropriate permissions.
  5. To add or remove users from the role, click Users and, at Users with this Role, click Add or Remove Users.
  6. Under Users with this Role, use the arrow keys to move users between the Without Role  and With Role boxes to add or remove users associated with the role.
  7. If you want to add or remove all users at the same time, click Add All or Remove All.
  8. Click Save.

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